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Explore our selected astrobiology courses

Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

Prof. Charles Cockell, University of Edinburgh.

You will get to learn the foundations of the origin and evolution of life and the search for life beyond the Earth in just 5 weeks!

Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space

Prof. Chris Impey, University of Arizona

Interested in learning more about modern astronomy and the most recent astronomical discoveries? Then this is for you!

The Evolving Universe

Prof. George Djorgovski, Caltech

Get to know the universe and its constituents, including planetary systems, stars, galaxies, black holes, quasars, and the universe as a whole.

Imagining Other Earths

Prof. Charles Young, Princeton University.

Learn about astronomy, biology, and planetary science to invent your own solar systems and speculate about life in the universe.

Data-driven astronomy

Prof. Tara Murphy, University of Sydney.

Astronomical knowledge needs analyzing, so in this course you will learn how to work with algorithms and how to use your data with Python 3

Highlights of modern astronomy

Prof. Adam Frank, University of Rochester

If you want to know more about the universe and life in the universe, this course will help you a lot!

The special theory of relativity

Prof. Larry Randles Lagerstorm, Stanford

If you are curious about Einstein and want to know more details about his theory, this course will be of help!

Astrobiology: exploring other worlds

Prof. Chris Impey, University of Arizona

If you are obssessd with life on other planets, this course will help you to learn more about exoplanets.

Astrotech: behind astronomical discoveries

Prof. Andy Lawrence, University of Edinburgh.

Science and technology has helped astronomies a lot, and with this course you will understand how.

Astro 101: Black holes

Prof. Sharon Morsink, University of Alberta

Black holes are mysterious for almost everyone and knowing more about them seems like an adventure. Learn more in this course!

The universe, solar system, earth, life

Prof. Henning Hack et al., University of Copenhagen

Here you will learn about the evolution of life form Big Bang to the origin of the solar system with deep insights into universe.

Analyzing the universe

Prof. Terry A. Matilsky, University of New Jersey

If you want to have a real project with real data from NASA, in this course with DS9 you can learn how to analyzie data with real data

Become an astrobiologist

Research groups and advice

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Become an astrobiologist

Research groups and advice

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